Sunday, 13 October 2013

LO4 Evidence Of Editing with Text

this is just proof that some of my final 10 photos were edited to fit the criteria "Creative and digital sheffield" with the edited versions being on the bottom and the originals being on the top

Sumo Digital

The reason that I decided to edit this photo is because I represented "Creative and Digital Sheffield" in blue and red (Digital being blue and Creative being red) so because the original logo was red (Representing Creative) I decided to change it blue to make it relevant to "Digital" as it has digital in the name anyway. I did this using a standard blue fill tool.

Sheffield Park Hill Flats

The reason i decided to do what i did to the picture is because the image i had taken had all ready being used in a colourful way because of the multicoloured panels so to relate this to my work i decided to change some panels blue (To relate ti Digital) and to change some red (To relate to Creative). I managed to do this using a standard red and blue colour fill tool. 

Sheffield Star Gazer

In this picture I wanted the Star Gazer to be the dominant attraction to look at and because the trees in the background have such a striking light brown tint to them I decided to make the main patten on the star gazer white by using a rubber tool and I also changed the whole image to a darker colour to represent night but to also make the white stand out more.

The House

In this image i wanted to show that the picture i had taken was in sheffield as the place and the thing which the building is used for isn't that well known amongst people. To do this i cut away the not very attractive looking scaffold in the back ground using the magic wand effect and a rubber and i also added in some clouds and a sky which were taken from another one of my images. In the end people will be able to recognise that the picture taken is in sheffield as of the view in the back ground but also will be able to appreciate the art work and graffiti.

Sheffield City View

The reason i decided to do what i did is because i realised that the image that i had take had a lot of "Creative and Digital" buildings and companies in it so to relate this to my work i added in the blue and red from my other work projects just to keep the continuity in my work. And i did this using the magic wand effect and the fill tool and a standard blue and red colour.

LO4 Final 10 Photos and Edited

My 10 finished photos

Creative and Digital Sheffield

This is the first picture I took as a part of my photography work and I decided to keep the picture as I knew I could work with the image to make it one of my final 10. It isn't the best view shot I had taken but it shows a lot of different businesses and companies, a lot having "Creative and Digital aspects like the ones in Red and Blue. So I highlighted these to make them stand out.

City View

I believe this image works well on its own as it shows both "Digital and Creative" elements from buildings to the layout. The image also uses leading lines to lead you to different parts of the picture like the steps, the path the train tracks and the skyline, this i believe is striking and with the time of the day starting to get dark it also has a good mix of colour.

City Lights 

I believe this is the best view shot I have taken as the city and the buildings work well with the clouds and the brightness of the sky to create this still image that relates well to the creative side of my project. I feel this image works well by itself and didn't need any editing.

The House

In this image I used two different images I had taken to create the foreground and the blue sky and the image of the older Sheffield from 2 years ago was taken on a different camera. I decided to use this image of Sheffield as it represents a working and developing city and it works better as a background image as there is more to look at than Sheffield when its complete.

The Electric Works

Even though this image my scheme quite simple i think its a lot more detailed than it looks as it represents the Digital side of my project and all the lighting and the Sheffield bus match up well in colour and work well together along with the leading lines from the steps to the lamp post.

Park Hill Flats 

this is the image of park hill flats that I have taken. I chose to change the image to this design as it relates and connects to my image of the Sheffield view shot where the "creative and digital" buildings are highlighted red and blue which represents park hill flats being both creative and digital.

The Steel Steps

I think this image is creative in many different ways from the way the steps have been set out and the design to the materials used to create these. This is why i have chosen this image to be one of my final ten as its really creative and had allot of thought put into it and its is really unique as it represents the city Sheffield.

Sumo Digital

This image also relates to my previous design of having the red and blue mix up to represent creative and digital. The original logo for Sumo Digital was red which represented digital (hence the name) so i changed it blue to add to the creative element as the company is surrounded by other creative building and the logo and the website is also very creative to add to that side of the project.

City Centre

I edited this image this way as I thing it looks like a image you would pay for from a street artist so I made it black and white as I believe it makes you concentrate on the image more as there is no colour to attract you to a specific part but it also looks like a pencil drawing.

Sheffield Star Gazer

This is a image from a star gazer near to where I live and it shows creative aspects as you can get a good view shot from this area but it also blocks out allot of light from houses and cars at night time as its surrounded by trees which allow you get a good sight of the night sky and the stars. As i took this image in the day time I made the image darker and highlighted the main pattern on the object itself to make the stargazer stand out more and not so much the background

Saturday, 12 October 2013

LO3 Evidence Of Storage

this is the folder where i stored my raw images

and this is the folder where i saved my final 10 photographs and my final 10 finished and edited photographs (final outcomes)

Friday, 11 October 2013

LO3: Understanding camera settings


The camera’s ISO setting is its sensitivity to light. The higher the ISO, the more sensitive it is. This is measured according to international standards, so ISO100 on one camera will be exactly the same as ISO100 on another.

Each ISO setting is double the one before: if you increase the ISO from 100 to 200, you double the camera’s sensitivity; and if you increase it from 200 to 400, you double it again. This carries on through the ISO scale.
This is deliberate. The ISO settings are designed to double (or halve) the exposure in the same way that the lens aperture settings and shutter speed settings are, and this is why the lens aperture, shutter speed and ISO are often described as the ‘exposure triangle’.
For example, if you want to use a faster shutter speed without changing the aperture, you could increase the ISO instead.
This relationship between lens aperture, shutter speed and ISO could quickly get complicated, but there are drawbacks to changing the ISO which mean that in practice you tend to change the ISO only when you have to.

Simply put, aperture is a hole within a lens, through which light travels into the camera body. It is easier to understand the concept if you just think about our eyes. Every camera that we know of today is designed like human eyes. The cornea in our eyes is like the front element of a lens – it gathers all external light, then bends it and passes it to the iris. Depending on the amount of light, the iris can either expand or shrink, controlling the size of the pupil, which is a hole that lets the light pass further into the eye. The pupil is essentially what we refer to as aperture in photography. The amount of light that enters the retina (which works just like the camera sensor), is limited to the size of the pupil – the larger the pupil, the more light enters the retina. So, the easiest way to remember aperture, is by associating it with your pupil. Large pupil size equals large aperture, while small pupil size equals small aperture.

Shutter Speed 

Shutter speed, also known as “exposure time”, stands for the length of time a camera shutter is open to expose light into the camera sensor. If the shutter speed is fast, it can help to freeze action completely, as seen in the above photo of the dolphin. If the shutter speed is slow, it can create an effect called “motion blur”, where moving objects appear blurred along the direction of the motion. This effect is used quite a bit in advertisements of cars and motorbikes, where a sense of speed and motion is communicated to the viewer by intentionally blurring the moving wheels.

LO3 RAW Images/10-15 final images chosen

These are some images that I had taken and decided to put them into iPhoto to save my final 10-15 pictures.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

LO2 Reflections On Progress On Blog

Everything in LO1 have been finished

LO1 and LO2 have been complete and checked

At this point all my LO1, LO2 amd LO3 have been complete.

All my LO4 have been finished and i have checked my work to see if everything is done.

At this point i have finished all my work and I'm waiting for my photo story to be uploaded on to YouTube so i can add it to my work.

Everything has been checked, finished and done.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Sunday, 6 October 2013

LO2 Finished shot plans

 These are my shot plans that i quickly drew to relate to my photos that i had a idea about and based of these drawings they were quite accurate and successful.